Finally! After 17 years of practicing acupuncture
I have found the “magic” I had been searching for!
~Tim Walsh, L.Ac.
Click the link below to hear why I am passionate about the Body-Feedback style of acupuncture.
A Quick Intro To Body-Feedback
What is Body-FeedbackTM? This innovative treatment style, developed by Michelle Meramour, teaches you to listen to the body’s methods of communication in order to produce successful treatment results.
How does the body communicate? Your body relays very clear information through areas of pain, tenderness, tension and pulse quality.
What is Acupuncture with Body-FeedbackTM? Body-FeedbackTM utilizes a classic, centuries-old Japanese style of acupuncture combined with Michelle's own Body‐FeedbackTM system to identify blockages or weaknesses in the acupuncture meridian system.
How can Body-FeedbackTM inform an acupuncturist’s diagnosis and treatment? Body-FeedbackTM looks for discomfort, tightness, and weakness at key points. These act as alarm points for both inflammation and organ dysfunction. She assesses muscle tone for tightness, weakness, spasms, and atrophy to identify imbalanced meridians to be treated. The Body-FeedbackTM system uses classical point prescriptions, focusing on constitutional weaknesses that arise from the interaction of the meridian pairs. Michelle’s approach is systematic and provides long‐lasting results when combined with lifestyle changes, Chinese herbs, therapeutic‐grade essential oils, or high-quality nutritional supplements.
To experience the Body-Feedback system of acupuncture through a demonstration (Chicagoland area) or learn about training programs and workshops contact [email protected] or 847-802-2245